The poker show did go on albeit on a quieter mood. A few big hands and absolutely fun with the PitBullApe pulling of some very profitable scares which caught the whale out many many times. Shark played under the radar and the skunk's fart was not as potent as before. Hyena happily lost his measly sum to come up top of the charts for CNY and the croc, well...the croc was busy msning his loved one so as the saying goes...."ching cheong tak yi, dou cheong sat yi"
Participants : (6) Shark, Hyena, Skunk, Whale, PitBullApe, Croc
Blinds : 5-10
Buy Ins : 300 (14 - Skunk (6), Hyena (3), Shark (2), PitBullApe (2), Croc (1)
Total table size : 6300
WINNERS LOSERS (rounded up)
Whale+1390..........Skunk -810
PitBullApe+950.....Hyena -800
................................Croc -435
................................Shark -295
for the most uncomfortable 20minutes of our poker life is a special cartoon for the hyena......